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FREE 1-hour filmmaking course

Learn 10 techniques to make your content more professional, accelerate your career, and make money in this $14 billion/year industry.

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All New Safety Training

All New Film Production Safety Training The FilmSkills Safety Training Program integrates OSHA standards with on-set safety requirements to meet California IATSE guidelines. This 15-module online course, led by Safety Pass instructors, offers engaging videos, illustrated companion guides, downloadable reference charts, and a testing tool to ensure comprehension. The

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New Industry Lifestyle Lessons

All New 8-Lesson Series Developed from over 5 years of interviews, the career skills series gives you the inside track on how to succeed in the film industry from the perspective, experiences, and advice of over 50 leading Hollywood filmmakers. Realities of the Film Industry The entertainment industry does a

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23 All New Crew Lessons

There are a lot of craftspeople on a film set, and in this all new 23-part series, leading Hollywood crews from blockbuster TV shows and movies give students an in-depth look at each major below-the-line crew position. 3 Lessons The Producers In this three lessons series, students learn how

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Prepare Your Body for Production

Shooting a movie is a very demanding and exciting culmination of months of work and preparation. It’s also gruelling, with each shooting day a minimum of 12 hours and often running longer, some productions shoot 6 days a week.  When you add travel time, many crew people barely get enough time

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Surviving Long Shooting Days on Set

We’ve all been on productions that seem to never end. 12-hour days turn into 14-hours, which turn into-16 hours. The shoot runs late into the night with no signs of ending, and everyone on the cast and crew is exhausted. Driving your crew into the ground is not only counter productive, it’s also

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